Champagne & Diamonds at Blackburn Cathedral, Wed 10 July 2024
Join us for this Event!
Our Guest Speaker, Helen Dimmick, an award-winning gemmologist, diamond grader and jewellery specialist with more than 20 years’ experience in the industry, who will take us through the life of this most beautiful gem – from “Rough to Royal”.
Helen’s talk will be preceded by a Reception and the serving of Champagne, supplied by Mann Fine Wine Ltd., and Canapes created by Checks & Greys.
There will also be an opportunity to sample two other varieties of other champagne to the initial “greeting” glass.
Tickets (including a glass of Champagne and canape reception) £35.00.
Please make payment to Blackburn Cathedral Trust via BACS NatWest: Sort code: 01-00-85; Account No.:14578662 using the reference “C & D”, or via Eventbrite using “Champagne & Diamonds” to search, or at “Checks & Greys” Cafe.
If you require further information please contact:
Peter Whitman pe**********@ya***.com
Christie Buchanan DL ch***********@ho*****.uk
Ann Kershaw ak***********@ao*.com
This event will be held to raise money for
Blackburn Cathedral Trust Appeal which supports
Choral Scholars, Education with Schools &
The Restoration of The Crypt Appeal
6:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Reception, canapes, glass of champagne + a chance to taste others.
7:20 PM – 7:50 PM
A sparkling presentation on diamonds by Helen Dimmick, “From rough to Royal”
7:50 PM – 8:30 PM
Your chance to ask questions of Helen.