Helen Dimmick – consultant and gemmologist for Chelsea Rocks

Chelsea Rocks
Chelsea Rocks

Helen’s vast experience and knowledge of the gems and jewellery industry has allowed her to assist and offer expert advice and consultation services to business owners, designers, manufacturers, suppliers and industry organisations. As a qualified gemmologist and diamond grader, she has taken the role of a consultant and gemmologist for Chelsea Rocks.


Credit: Chelsea Rocks <br /><a href="https://www.chelsearocks.net/">https://www.chelsearocks.net/</a>


Chelsea Rocks is a luxury online branded retailer, the passionate brain child of founder Joanna Parks-Tonk that celebrates laboratory-grown diamonds in their precious jewellery.


Helen’s role as a gemmologist has been resourceful to Chelsea Rocks. Helen’s work has always placed an emphasis on education and consumer awareness. There is a lot of misconception in the market, among the costumers as well as the sellers in regards to lab grown diamonds. Her role has helped educate the customer about lab grown diamonds in a credible way.



She coherently defines and communicates that a lab gown diamond has the same physical, chemical and optical properties as a natural diamond. However, the definition of a gemstone is given as something which is rare, beautiful and durable. Due to how lab grown diamonds are grown and its supply, it cannot be classified as a gemstone. This does not discount the fact that lab grown diamonds are still diamonds. Both can co-exist and have their own importance. Helen’s approach has always been to effectively promote knowledge and awareness. She understands that this knowledge is important for the customer to make an informed decision. 


Credit: Chelsea Rocks <br /><a href="https://www.chelsearocks.net/">https://www.chelsearocks.net/</a>


Helen understands the sentimental value of jewellery. She has always taken pride in finding the right piece of jewellery for the right individual. Something that they will cherish on forever. She has always been an advocate of transparency and knowledge. Her work has always been committed to raising awareness and educating the customer to make informed decisions. She understands the magic of lab grown diamonds, as well as their ability to co, exist with natural diamonds. She believes that both have their own magic and story to tell. The ability to recreate a diamond is a testimonial to the brilliance of mankind. The difference between them can be celebrated only when there is an understanding of the context and concept. It is only with correct education that one can celebrate diamonds; natural or man-made. Helen’s work is an attestation to it. 


Apart from that she has also assisted in other aspects of business and provided her insights. She has contributed to business strategies based on her business analysis.  




Joanna Park-Tonks, founder of Chelsea Rocks gives her testimonial as :




“In a relatively short time, Helen has become a most trusted counsel, mentor, and friend. Helen is as knowledgeable about jewellery and luxury retail as she is wise, bringing her naturally intuitive reading to situations. “


As Helen often says of herself, her passion is to bring together her two great loves – jewellery and people. I have experienced this during the mobilisation of my new business, Chelsea Rocks, where Helen has given me on-point business analysis and crucially, actionable insight. She has been the key to unlocking my potential, assisting me with creative concepts, industry networking and effective sales and marketing strategies.


Like any true entrepreneur, Helen can pivot – as effortlessly as any ballerina – to bring out the hidden opportunities and benefits in any business challenge or environment! This was particularly visible at the beginning of the Covid- 19 outbreak, when Helen rapidly mobilised a series of high-quality e-learning webinars, which are unparalleled in a crowded marketplace for their professionalism and first-class content.  


This contribution is of ongoing professional value to the wider community within the jewellery industry. Helen’s deep sense of stewardship and sharing of her expertise, is but one example of the great generosity of her spirit and enthusiasm.”


Credit: Chelsea Rocks <br /><a href="https://www.chelsearocks.net/">https://www.chelsearocks.net/</a>


It is no surprise that Helen has always been passionate about gems and jewellery. She understands the growing demands of lab grown diamonds as well as ever demand for natural diamonds. Her work reflects her ethics which are built on integrity and transparency. It is important to educate your customer so that they can make an informed decision and a decision that would benefit them. Her role as a gemmologist has allowed her to practice this. This is Helen’s way of giving back to the industry that has given so much to her.

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